The Bases for the Honorary Recognition of Musical Career at the CIBM 2025 have been published

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Base 1. Aim

Recognize the personal dedication and contribution in favor of Music, especially Band Music, of the person or persons who, with their involvement and professional career, have contributed to the honorability and prestige of the “City of Valencia” International Music Band Competition (hereinafter, CIBM) ​​in modern times.

Visualize the importance and significance that the CIBM has had in the creation and evolution of Band Music, highlighting the performance, effort and successes of the progress achieved.


Base 2. Recipients

Those individuals who jointly meet the following requirements may receive the recognition: having a professional career of at least 25 years and having contributed significantly to the development, dissemination and/or improvement of Band Music within the CIBM Valencia environment. Recognitions may be granted posthumously.


Base 3. Criteria for selection

The criteria that will be used to select the professional candidate will be any of the following:

1) Carrying out activities of social, institutional or technical importance and significance in the field of Band Music.

2) Creation, transcription, direction, execution or dissemination of original repertoire for Music Band.

3) Notable contribution to CIBM Valencia.

4) Contribution to better visibility, projection and prestige of CIBM Valencia.

5) Remarkable dedication and effort during your professional life.

6) Perform your work in a responsible and ethical style.


Base 4. Applications and deadlines

Candidates may be presented by relevant musical entities in the Valencian Community. In the event that no proposals are made, the members of the Organizing Committee of the “City of Valencia” International Music Band Contest of the 137th edition would be the proposers.

To submit an application it will be necessary to attach the curriculum vitae and supporting report of a maximum of 1,000 words.

The deadline for the presentation of candidatures will be from the day following the approval of these bases, until May 23, 2025, both inclusive. Candidacies will be proposed through a general request made for this purpose through the electronic headquarters of the Valencia City Council.


Base 5. Jury

The Jury will be made up of the members of the Organizing Committee of the International Music Band Contest “Ciudad de Valencia” 2025, who are responsible for validating and evaluating the candidatures presented in accordance with the criteria of these bases and the granting of Recognition.

The Jury will decide the person/s honored before the celebration of CIBM 2025, informing them/them of obtaining the Recognition and the method of delivery thereof.


Base 6. Recognition

The person honored will receive a plaque accrediting the recognition received, disseminating the achievement of the same, as well as the merits that justify it, on the CIBM Valencia website.

The Recognition will be given during the celebration of the Awards Ceremony of the Honorary Section of the CIBM Valencia on Sunday, July 20, 2025 in the afternoon-evening at the Palau de la Música in Valencia.