The Banda Simfònica Unió Musical de Llíria wins the first prize in the Honor Section of the 136 CIBM “Ciudad de València”

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  • The Municipal Symphonic Band of Valencia has been in charge of closing this edition of the Contest
  • With the triumph of the Unió Musical de Llíria Simfònica Band in the Honor Section, achieving 364.5 points, the 136th edition of the “Ciudad de València” International Band Competition concludes. The second prize went to the La Artística Musical Society of Buñol, with 361.5 points, and the third to the La Armónica de Buñol Musical Instruction Center with 355.5 points.


The event was chaired by the Councilor for Cultural Action, Heritage and Cultural Resources and president of the Organizing Committee, José Luis Moreno, who presented the award to the winning musical society.

Conducted by Vicente Balaguer Doménech, the Banda Simfònica Unió Musical de Llíria has performed the pasodoble «Eugenia López» by Bernardo Adam Ferrero and the free work “Concerto for Wind Orchestra» by Ximo Tarín Micó. The obligatory work of this first section has been L ‘arbre blanc by the Valencian composer Pere Vicalet.

Previously, the composer and director Salvador Chuliá has received honorary recognition for his musical career at the “Ciudad de València” International Music Band Competition.


The Valencia Municipal Symphonic Band, under the direction of Cristóbal Soler, was in charge of closing the competition while the jury deliberated, which in this edition was formed by Eduardo Soutullo, José M. Sánchez Verdú, Juan J. Colomer, Julius Williams and Verena Mösenbichler-Bryant. The centenary musical group has performed «Lo cant del Valencià» by Pedro Sosa, the Hungarian March from «The Damnation of Faust» by Hector Berlioz and the fourth movement of Symphony No. 8 by Anton Bruckner.

All sessions of the Contest have been able to be followed live on the Contest’s YouTube channel. Furthermore, the Honor Section has been broadcast in its entirety, for the first time, on À Punt television.

The bands that won the first prize in the rest of the CIBM sections were the Samacá Symphonic Band (Colombia) in the Third Section; the Municipal Music Band of Caldas de Reis (Pontevedra) in the Second Section and in the first section the Martial Band of Vale (Portugal).