The galician band of Caldas de Reis win the Second Section of the 136 CIBM “Ciudad de València”

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The Palau de la Música hosts the First and Honor sections today, Saturday and tomorrow, Sunday.

The Municipal Music Band of Caldas de Reis (Pontevedra) has been proclaimed winner of the first prize in the Second Section of the “Ciudad de València” International Music Band Competition that was held this Friday at the Palau de la Música, by obtaining 338 points. For its part, the Santadega de Coles Music Band (Orense) has obtained second prize, with 324 points, and the La Familiar Musical Society of Benisanó (Valencia) has won third, reaching 323 points.

Under the baton of Javier Penido Ferreiro, the Caldas de Reis band has performed the pasodoble La luz del sol, by Jean Pierre Haeck, and the free work Retrospective by Carlos Pellicer Andrés. The obligatory work of this second section has been Sucro Oppidum by the Valencian composer Javier Martínez Campos. The guest band while deliberating the jury was El Cerrito High School Wind Symphony from the United States, conducted by Keith Johnson

The Councilor for Cultural Action, Heritage and Cultural Resources and president of the Organizing Committee, José Luis Moreno, was in charge of presenting the award to the winning company.
In addition, prior to the awards ceremony, honorary recognition for musical career in the “Ciudad de València” International Music Band Competition was awarded posthumously to journalist Octavio Hernández Bolín.

Intense weekend

Today, Saturday and tomorrow, Sunday, the Palau hosts the sessions corresponding to the First Section and Honor Section of the “Ciudad de València” International Band Competition, which bring together the greatest number of musicians in their squads.

In the First Section, which will be held today, Saturday, starting at 10 a.m., the Banda Marcial do Vale (Portugal), Societat Unió Musical y Artística de Sax (Alicante), Center Artístic Musical de Moncada (València), Band of Música de Getafe (Madrid) and Unió Protectora Musical de Vallada (València).

With great expectation tomorrow, Sunday morning, from 10 a.m., and in the afternoon from 5:30 p.m., the Palau will host the Honor Section in which this year five great Valencian bands compete: the Ateneu Musical Schola Cantorum of the Vall d’Uixó (Castellón); the Unió Musical Symphonic Band of Llíria (València); the La Armónica de Buñol Musical Instruction Center (València); the Musical Union Instructional Society of Tavernes de la Valldigna (València); and the Societat Musical La Artística de Buñol (València).

The Municipal Symphonic Band of València, directed by Cristóbal Soler, will close this unmissable event for lovers of wind music which, like the rest of the sections of the Contest, can be followed live on the Contest’s YouTube channel and, this year, for the first time, on À Punt television, which will broadcast in its entirety the maximum section of the musical competition.